October 04, 2023
We went with great expectations to the Miles area in south-west Queensland as God had opened the door, releasing us from our commitment to Religious Instruction for one whole week in May.
Two team members travelled to Condamine, some thirty-odd kilometres away, only to receive a very minimal response as they offered Scriptures. The guys were almost back to Miles when the Holy Spirit prompted them to return to Condamine. This time the response was completely different. The woman behind the bar of the hotel asked, “Who is this God that you talk about?” This question opened wide the door to good conversation about the Lord and sharing a New Testament. The door was now open for 13 Bibles to be placed in the hotel and 12 Testaments to be shared with staff and others. Earlier that morning, they had been told, “No.”
Two years ago, a workers’ camp on the outskirts of Miles was negative to our approach offering Scriptures. However, this year, we were warmly welcomed with a request for 200 Bibles and a Testament being received. When planning a blitz, it is difficult to estimate the number of Scriptures required. However, the request for 200 Bibles was able to be filled because God had led the planning.
During this exciting week in a rural area approximately 350km west of Brisbane, we distributed 460 Scriptures, and of these 170 were placed directly into a person’s hand.
When we serve during a Scripture Blitz, we go to bring God’s blessings, but we return having been richly blessed ourselves.
TESTIMONY: Gideon Dean and I stepped out of the car and met David* approaching us. I told David that we were in Miles with the aim of sharing copies of God’s Word. He didn’t seem surprised, and he quickly went on to share that his two children were too frightened to go upstairs at their home in Cunnamulla, as every time that they went up, there was something or someone making them very afraid. This led to a conversation that seemed to give David a real hope.
“The conversation continued while David’s eyes were intently focused on mine, taking in everything the Lord gave me to speak.”
The Spirit gave me the verses to share and, one time when the words would not come, Dean asked David if he would like him to pray for him, which he readily accepted. The conversation continued while David’s eyes were intently focused on mine, taking in everything the Lord gave me to speak. David heard about God’s plan for us, from creation to His plan for us here on earth and to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
We talked for a long time and, having perceived that he was not able to read, I read the plan of salvation to David. He confirmed his acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Saviour by signing the back page. He also requested a Testament for his children. I continue to pray for him and his family. A divine appointment: David from Cunnamulla, Dean and I from Bundaberg, meeting in Miles. It could only be planned by God.
(* name has been changed)