Help for Pastors and Churches

Request Prayer

We would love to be of assistance to your church by praying for you. Our members pray daily individually and weekly as a group online or in person. Local churches are a major focus for our prayer. If you have a specific prayer need, please complete the details below and we will pass on the information to the local Gideons in your area. They would be privileged to pray for you and your church.

Church Presentation

Request a Gideon Presentation

We would love to bless your church by presenting what God is doing through the work of The Gideons. Your people will be encouraged by testimonies of God’s Word impacting lives locally, nationally and overseas. A Gideon report can be in video form, a Gideon speaker, a multimedia presentation or a combination. It can also be tailored to meet the timing needs of your worship services. We can also present at special church events or in special interest groups. See a sample video presentation below:



Why have a Gideon presentation in your church?

  • People are inspired by the sharing of stories of lives changed forever by the Word of God.
  • Christians are encouraged and challenged to share their faith with others.
  • The Gideon work is carried out on behalf of local churches – our members come from local churches – so we love to report back on how God uses their prayerful support.
  • We often reach people in the community who have no contact with churches and would not otherwise be reached with the Good News of Jesus.

If you are interested in having a Gideon presentation in your church, please complete the details below and a local Gideon get in touch with you.

Resources For Sharing Jesus

Gideons encourage all Christians to share their faith with others. Like you, we want your people to get out and tell their families, friends and neighbours how Jesus has impacted their lives. There is no better way to share Jesus than by sharing the Word of God.

If you would like to put Scriptures in the hands of your people so they can share Jesus in conversations with others, becoming a financial Friend of The Gideons is a great way to do so. As a way to thank our Financial Friends for their ongoing financial support providing Scriptures for Gideons to distribute, we are able to make pocket Testaments available to them for what is basically cost price. Individuals and churches can become financial Friends of Gideons which enables them to purchase Testaments, equipping them to share Jesus.

For more information, click here to explore how Friends of Gideons works.

Gideons Bible App

The Gideons International has developed a free digital Bible App which includes the Bible, or portions thereof, in almost 1400 languages. Many of these also include audio as well as text.

If your church reaches out to others for whom English is a second language, the Bible App is a great tool. It also includes the normal Bible Helps as found in all Gideon Scriptures.

The Gideons Bible App can be downloaded from or by clicking here.

Request Prayer

Request a Gideon Presentation

Resources for Sharing Jesus

Gideons Bible App